Artist & Director


Analogue Loaders

I spent a good part of my life in big cities where shitty living conditions are the norm if you are not rich.

With this Street Art project I create handcrafted stories that play on the global housing market.
Damaged walls with a missing brick seemed like a niche no-one has claimed. So I am using these holes in walls as building space for my own little flats.

Can you find ‘em all?

With flats all over London there is a wide variety of brickflats to be hunted …

The Bookworm has a self-illuminated light so he can read 24/7.

Cupboard Yoga … well.

Showerhead uses an old drain pipe for his hygienic routine.

Poorple guys miserable flat is a lot of peoples delight.


Brickflats expanded to my all-time favourite city in the summer of 2021.

Wanderlust is on a mountain top that was a shanty town. Hopefully looking over all of Barcelona brings the little guy some joy from his little cupboard.

Entangled Lovers is next to the nudist beach in Barcelona. I went a bit more abstract with the figurine design ... I think it's my personal favourite design so far.


In the autumn of 2021 I got to travel to my hometown Salzburg for the first time since COVID. Of course I had to bring some brickflats there.

The Traveler is in Salzburgs train station, ready to go on an adventure.

The Reader is on the steps of a called the "mountain of writers". Former home of Peter Handke and also mentioned a lot in books by Thomas Bernhard.

Follow #Brickflats on:

Instagram: @brickflats
Twitter: @brickflats